In a large foundry the furnaces operate with a loud, continuous roar. The foundrymen attribute that sound to a dragon that lives there.

Foundrymen make molds with earth and water, melt metal with wind and fire. Something this simple and pure, is magic.
Long, long ago at a time of ice and snow. People lived in crude shelters and caves.
Ages before, cold winds blew in from the north and made the gardens go away, a change in climate. The people were not suppose to survive, but they did. Working together to grow, gather and store food. Find shelter and confront threats. People learned to love and care for each other, with compassion.
An Angel was sent with a gift. She traveled to earth like a meteor, transforming from glitter and gas to human form. As she landed in the snow, the heat from her feet sizzled with each step. She approached the people and they were all asleep, except the one watching the fire. The man did not move, frozen with fear. The angel blew into the fire, long and hard. The fire got larger and larger until all the wood was gone. The fire was so hot, the sand turned to glass. The clay turned to (ceramic) pottery and the green rocks melted to form bronze.
The angel said, “High heat changes the structure of elements placed in it’s influence”.
The man said, “What”?
And the angel rolled her eyes and replied, “Its fun”! She was gone as sudden as she came. The people woke up, it was very hot and the fire was gone. They asked the man what happened and laughed when he told them about the angel and wind in the fire. Outside there were footprints in the snow, each filled with grass and flowers. The people began to play with fire.
Flash forward. Donna learned to mold in 2001 and picked it up quickly. One day, something happened. I returned after some errands and found the casting area full of molds. She had molded spoons, toys and refrigerator magnets. Anything with a mold-able shape.
I asked what what was going on? And she replied, “Its fun”.
It was at that moment I realized, she was the Angel in my dreams.